Premiered at Teatterimonttu, University of Tampere

Text: Mikael Karkkonen (Dramaturgy and playwriting BA student)
Directing: Emma Mattila (Directing BA student)
Light Design: Aju Jurvanen (Light design BA student)
Sound Design: Pauli Kotilainen (Sound design BA student)
Set, Costume and Videodesign: Riku Suvitie (Design for performing arts BA student)
Photography: Mikael Karkkonen
Performers: Kasperi Kola ja Eero-Heikki Puustinen (Acting BA in University of Tampere) Mitra Matouf ja Saku Taittonen (Acting BA in Theatre academy of Helsinki)
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
Rehearsal photo (c) Riku Suvitie
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